My Inspiration!

My Inspiration!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30th, 2010

Tomorrow is a day of celebrating a New Year. I have not been on this blog for awhile. I felt like I failed by not following through with the race. I needed to take the time to focus on life and its purpose. It has indeed been a tough ride for me and a few of my friends over the past few months. With losing Mer, facing a crisis with my 5yr old and finding balance was indeed needed in order for me to move forward. With the support of amazing friends and family, I am ready to move forward.

"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play and to look at the stars."


Sunday, July 11, 2010


This week has been a tough one. My little one decides to eat an almond out of a trail mix and next thing we know we are at the hospital. Great news is, Olivia's healthy and back to her little 5yr old self. We now have an epi-pen and testing will take place in 4-6 weeks. Hey, if I can get through the past two months, I can get through anything! Life sure is an adventure!!

Workouts have been tough. My ankle is not healing! I am pushing through it and it looks as though I need to rest. REST! As if...I have a race to run in two weeks. Strength training and and biking is all I can do. Getting the kids involved in this journey has been amazing. They have seen mommy run, bike and have even tried to lift some weights themselves (I have been giving them cans of zoodles as lifting 10 pounds weights is a no go for a 2 and 5 year old!). Keeping my fingers crossed that nothing further happens and I will be well on my way to becoming a ROCKSTAR!! HAHAAHAHA!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

June 27th!! WOW!!

Well...this has been an amazing adventure for me. Having the challenges of having a young family, two jobs has made it a bit difficult for me to attend all sessions with RACEDAYRUSH and PHAT CHICKS. Yes, the blog has been minimal due to an overload of work and also getting enough sleep over the past few months...HA! However, early morning bike rides and evening strength training and a run is my new routine. I have looked at myself and have seen major changes in my overall health and also had the time to sit back and re-evaluate my life. I will now only be working one job and taking time for myself and also to be with my family. Life is a special gift and I do not want to have any regrets.

Mountsberg Conservation!! One word to describe this adventure, "INTENSE"!!

Attending the last workout session really opened my eyes. The first 10 minutes into the session I rolled my ankle...AS IF! I was so upset that I almost got in my car and took off. I felt like I let myself down and other emotions came into my mind. I had a choice. Was I going to quit or was I going to put into gear a kick ass determination and finish the race the best that I could? So...I got on my bike! That is right, got on my bike and was riding through a forest full of dirt, bugs and raccoon poop The grass was to my knees, the incline was so tough that I thought my heart was going to beat through my chest. I almost cried cause I could feel a pinch in my ankle, but I pushed though it! Even though I could hear Shane yell, "SET THE PACE PEREIRA"....HA! I pushed through the pain and for me a little embarrassment.

The day ended in us have a few beers and laughs. The girls that I have met through this adventure are amazing! Their determination and leadership is unexplainable in words. I am looking forward to completing this race. I spoke to Susie the other day and am really wondering if I have what it takes to complete the race. Being the amazing person she is she told me this: "Don't be nervous-we'll get it done together. Besides how fun is it to have a little nervous energy. It is a challenge to yourself!" So with being said, the early morning bike rides, evening strength training and runs are to be continued! I am really looking forward to the race and also to support the winners of this contest. Everyone has worked hard and everyone is a winner in my eyes!! Congrats to all! xxoo

The next step...July 15th the winners are announced!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wow! What a great day!

WOW! Great day! Great weather, great friends and the laughs were plenty. Today we went to Kelso to learn some canoe skills. Hats off the the "tippers" and also to Gail and I for just making it to the balloon grabbing finish. Gail, I am totally glad you got your hands in there...HA!! Next week I am bring a camera and an extra set of keys...HA!!

Thanks for a great day everyone!! xxoo

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A sad, sad day for all!

You are probably wondering why I have not posted since April 25th? Well, my life has changed since then. I sit here, with a cup of tea, my kids are in bed and my husband is in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher. Yes! You heard me, my husband was unloading the dishwasher! This was a random act of kindness from him because he knows that my heart is broken. My heart is broken because I lost Mer! Mer was an amazing friend who touched every person in a unique way. She gave to others and did not care if she got anything in return. She loved life and she made me love life that much more. I am going to miss our talks. I am going to miss the fact that she is not going to be physically by my side as we grow old. There was so much more we needed to share with each other.

I did not tell Mer or Susie that I was entering this contest. I had been following the Phat Chicks for awhile and always told Mer how proud I was of her and Susie. Once I found out that I was chosen for this amazing adventure, I started to cry. I then looked at her and Susie and they just looked at me with their beautiful smiles and laughed with me. Ya, that is right! They laughed...HA!! I started to cry because they knew how much I wanted to succeed at being a great role model for my kids. They knew that they had helped me change my overall health and well-being FOREVER!

Mer knew that one day I wanted to run a marathon and have my kids see how much persistence and determination kicks ass to succeed with your goals in life. The day I found out that Mer had passed away, I ran. I ran until I was so out of breath I thought I would stop. Guess what, I didn't. I kept going and that is what I am going to do. Mer would have wanted this. She would have wanted each and every one of us to reach inside and find that inner strength to succeed. As a little girl, I always wanted to be the best athlete. I wanted to have a man to love, an education to fall back on, children, a family and the most important awesome friendships. Well, I got it all and I got Mer. Even though I have lost a dear friend, I will indeed keep her strength and determination known. I will let my little girls know of her and tell them what an amazing friend she was to everyone who were lucky to have know her. I will hold her in my heart forever!

I miss her, I miss her so much!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 1 and 2

Well, I have to admit I missed the first workout. Unfortunately I had to vacation in Rio to attend my brother's wedding....HA! With this being said my "homework" for the week was riding 12ft waves and walking the Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. This was an amazing experience! I also hurt my arm lifting too many "cervejas" and "caipirinhas"!!! Life is indeed great in "RIO"!!!

So, today I met The Phat Chicks and the rest of the girls for an amazing workout! I mean amazing!! My arms and legs have never felt so good. I came home and tried to reach the top of my stairs, only to fall into my 5 year old daughter arms laughing hysterically!! She asked, "mommy, what is wrong?" I then replied, "my arms and legs are jello Olivia". She then looked at me and said, "what flavour mommy, grape?" OMG....I could not stop laughing!!

Girls, I had an amazing time meeting you and do look forward to next week! Lots of homework. I will indeed blog the outcome! Cheers!!