My Inspiration!

My Inspiration!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

June 27th!! WOW!!

Well...this has been an amazing adventure for me. Having the challenges of having a young family, two jobs has made it a bit difficult for me to attend all sessions with RACEDAYRUSH and PHAT CHICKS. Yes, the blog has been minimal due to an overload of work and also getting enough sleep over the past few months...HA! However, early morning bike rides and evening strength training and a run is my new routine. I have looked at myself and have seen major changes in my overall health and also had the time to sit back and re-evaluate my life. I will now only be working one job and taking time for myself and also to be with my family. Life is a special gift and I do not want to have any regrets.

Mountsberg Conservation!! One word to describe this adventure, "INTENSE"!!

Attending the last workout session really opened my eyes. The first 10 minutes into the session I rolled my ankle...AS IF! I was so upset that I almost got in my car and took off. I felt like I let myself down and other emotions came into my mind. I had a choice. Was I going to quit or was I going to put into gear a kick ass determination and finish the race the best that I could? So...I got on my bike! That is right, got on my bike and was riding through a forest full of dirt, bugs and raccoon poop The grass was to my knees, the incline was so tough that I thought my heart was going to beat through my chest. I almost cried cause I could feel a pinch in my ankle, but I pushed though it! Even though I could hear Shane yell, "SET THE PACE PEREIRA"....HA! I pushed through the pain and for me a little embarrassment.

The day ended in us have a few beers and laughs. The girls that I have met through this adventure are amazing! Their determination and leadership is unexplainable in words. I am looking forward to completing this race. I spoke to Susie the other day and am really wondering if I have what it takes to complete the race. Being the amazing person she is she told me this: "Don't be nervous-we'll get it done together. Besides how fun is it to have a little nervous energy. It is a challenge to yourself!" So with being said, the early morning bike rides, evening strength training and runs are to be continued! I am really looking forward to the race and also to support the winners of this contest. Everyone has worked hard and everyone is a winner in my eyes!! Congrats to all! xxoo

The next step...July 15th the winners are announced!


  1. Woo Hooo! So great to have you out there with us :)
    SO looking forward to doing the race, no matter what on the THAT will be an adventure!

  2. You're AMAZING... two jobs, juggling family life and finding time to workout?!?!?!!! One word "WOW"!!!

    Keep up the great work...
    Can't wait to join you and the other teammates on July 24th, where we will once again find the strength, courage and sweat to finish the race :-)

  3. It's been great meeting so many wonderful women with full lives and the drive to stay fit! We have had some great times!!!

    Hope your ankle is ok...

    Can't wait to hear who won the challenge!
